Ryan Gagne Marlborough, MA
Ryan Gagne didn’t have much experience in the hospitality or coworking industries when he began to research the Venture X franchise opportunity. A Marine Corps veteran who had spent his civilian career working in global banking, Ryan was a relatively newcomer to our industry. However, his industry inexperience didn’t stop him from recognizing that now is a great time to open a coworking space business. In late 2017, he made the decision to sign his franchise agreement, and he hasn’t looked back since. Since partnering with Venture X, Ryan has found fulfillment in his new endeavor. He loves that his business allows him to help local professionals thrive, and he enjoys a sense of personal fulfillment from the work that he does. Of course, the Venture X team has been committed to helping Ryan get the most out of his investment by providing him with training and support before and after opening his new business.
After signing his franchise agreement, Ryan and the Venture X team got to work on opening his new business. Regarding their help, Ryan reports:
UFG and Venture X Corporate have been there every step of the way, with site selection, location build-out, [and] marketing and management. Venture X Operations & Logistics Teams at the corporate office helped guide the process to ensure everything is being addressed and in accordance with brand standards. Their help has saved countless hours and more importantly, countless dollars in the entire process to get the location up and running.
We’re glad that Ryan found our training and support programs to be so helpful. We want the process of starting a Venture X franchise to be simple for our franchisees, and the examples he listed above are just a few of the ways we work to support them. Of course, now that his business is up and running, our job isn’t over – we’ll continue to work closely with Ryan as he establishes a customer base and grows his Venture X location.
One of the best parts of franchising with Venture X is the strong customer base franchisees work with. A flexible workspace is a great asset for all kinds of professionals, from freelancers and startups to large corporate teams. Ryan has already found that his location is serving a variety of customer demographics: information technology, human resources, marketing, financial services, mechanical engineering, and restaurant management groups are just a few of the industries from which his customers come. Ryan reflects: “As you can see, the clientele varies so widely, mostly because Venture X appeals to people in many ways. With our creation of an inspiring work and social center, we are an extension of the local and global community.”
As you can see, the Venture X coworking space in Marlborough, MA, is off to a strong start thanks to the hard work of Ryan Gagne and the Venture X team. We’re thrilled to continue our work with Ryan and the many other franchisees who are the process of launching their new Venture X locations. Want to learn more about what it takes to partner with us? Contact us today for more information!